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Participants are as follows:

P.A.C.E (Pro Active Community Engagement) 20+ police officers, Chief Jenkins/Columbia Fire Department will have a fire truck on site, Columbia College Community Action and their 70 volunteer Council will help with Clean up and re-plant Lillies at Arden Elementary,  and a group of Eau Claire teenagers from 4 Teens by Teens will be helping out as well. We will finish it off with a cook-out with drinks donated by the Pepsi Co.

Keep the Midlands Beautiful in coordination with Columbia College students will be performing a community wide cleanup on Saturday, August 22, 2009. Feel free to come out and join them! Bring gloves and plastic bags. We plan to meet at Arden Elementary School at 9 a.m.


recycling_girlIn your curbside recycling container you can place:


* The city also has a drop off location for recyclables, located behind DHEC at 2600 Bull Street.

Any further questions? Please contact: The Solid Waste Division office is located at 2910 Colonial Drive (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)

Congratulations to this month’s yard of the month winner Charles Kusko.


On Saturday, March 28, seven of your fellow neighbors turned out to help clean up the College Place neighborhood. We were able to walk Colonial, Holmes, Middleton, and parts of Colleton and Craven. If you were unable to make it don’t forget that you can do your part by picking up the trash in and around your own property, including drainage ditches near your home. Thanks!

On Saturday, Aug. 9th, 200+ volunteers turned out bright and early to beautify our neighborhood. Teams of volunteers picked up trash, trimmed weeds, and raked debris while city workers hauled curbside trash, towed abandoned vehicles, cut back trees, and ground stumps. The volunteers had filled 146 bags of litter by the days end.


Originally the City of Columbia had promoted the event as a “North Columbia” Clean-U. However, because of our recent increase in neighborhood involvement (we had 65 residents oat our last council meeting!), the city decided to place the primary focus of their efforts on College Place and Hyatt Park. We are now seeing the fruits of our labor! Congratulations to College Place. Thanks you to the City of Columbia workers and leaders and all our volunteers. Let’s keep it up!